Development, Hosting, Monitoring, Recovery

About Us

Welcome to BrightShinyObject - Your Digital Ally in the Online World!

Our Door is Open by Referral Only

At BrightShinyObject, we've chosen to work with clients introduced to us through the kindness of referrals. This means if you’re here because someone you trust believes we're a match for your needs, you're in the right place! Even if you're just browsing, we offer insights and guidelines on selecting the ideal partner for your web presence. Dive into our site for valuable tips on what to ask prospective service providers to ensure they align with your vision for your online journey.

What We Offer

We're not just any digital service provider; we're your comprehensive solution for bringing your online ideas to life. Our expertise includes:

  • Hosting for websites, emails, and mailing lists,
  • Development using Drupal for sites and tools,
  • Crafting custom web applications tailored to your needs.

We excel in building and maintaining robust, scalable websites that handle high traffic with ease.

Our Development Philosophy

Our approach to development is centered on creating dynamic, resilient sites using a mix of PHP frameworks and Drupal. We value honesty and transparency, so if your project needs a different direction or technology, we’ll guide you to the best fit or vendor. Ensuring a joyful customer experience and keeping our team motivated is our priority.

Your Team

Creating a functional site or app is just the start.  Security holes, untested corner cases and new bugs can blind side you and affect customer trust.  Here are some things to verify about anyone you are trusting to create your online image:

  • Up-to-the-minute security knowledge to keep your site safe,
  • Mastery of the latest development tools to streamline projects and minimize costs,
  • Automated and continuous testing to catch and fix issues swiftly,
  • Continuous full regression testing makes sure new bugs are not being introduced,
  • Strict version control for seamless collaboration and accountability.


Your hosting provider is your partner in presenting a reliable, trustworthy image online. A responsive, secure site builds your reputation.

  • Opt for providers known for their reliability and performance,
  • Ensure providers have a long track record of reliability and solid performance.
  • Ensure they proactively handle backups, monitoring, and recovery,
  • Avoid jumping on the latest technology trends without proven success,
  • Stick to technologies you and your provider know inside out.

We prioritize reliability over flashiness, focusing on proven technologies we know like the back of our hand. This approach has saved our clients from unexpected downtimes and complications.  This is why we have never told a customer that a problem was out of our hands or was "waiting on a ticket from support," and neither should you.

Staying Ahead with Monitoring

Don’t let problems surprise you or your customers.  All sites we host or maintain are under constant monitoring and recording for:

  • System performance and health,
  • Security updates,
  • Domain and IP status,
  • Spamlisting of domains or IPs including neighbors,
  • Link functionality,
  • License compliance.

Prepared for Recovery

We operate with a clear-eyed view: websites face challenges and threats. Our rigorous backup and recovery planning includes:

  • Be ready for report of an issue with hardware, OS, platform, or storage
  • Quickly restore it to a pre-compromised state when a compromise is detected,
  • Heavy backup scheduling is critical for disaster recovery,
  • Demand encrypted redundant online and physical storage of backups : both locally and off-site,
  • Backups need to be tested regularly for validity and to insure easy full recovery,
  • Frequent sandbox test-restores confirm backups are usable and detect problems early.

Be ready for whatever happens, and have tested and retested to make sure, before it does.


With BrightShinyObject, you’re not just choosing a service provider; you’re choosing a partner dedicated to ensuring your online presence is robust, secure, and resilient. Let’s create something incredible together.